Coon Dog Day | Saluda, NC | Mural on Canvas

Saluda, NC – elevation, 2,103′. If you haven’t been to Saluda, NC, I highly suggest it. It’s a small town with big atmosphere! We need to spend more time there – we stop on our way to Waynesville, NC for a nice lunch. Everything is so tasty! In Saluda, there is something called a Coon Dog Day Festival – and it’s going on NOW… Isn’t this mural fabulous? I love the dog and the writing “it’s all about the dogs“!

60th Coon Dog Day Festival in downtown Saluda, NC is today, Saturday, July 11, 2023, click the link for more information! I love Saluda, NC – it’s a charming town. I think it’s brilliant that they feature different artist’s murals (on canvas instead of on the brick). I wish I would have noticed the little sign off to the right, I was in a hurry to get a quick photo of this mural on my way into the Purple Onion (restaurant), mmm, so good! Actually, I didn’t notice it was painted on canvas until I was home and looking at my photos!

My apologies for not knowing who the artist is – if you know please let me know!

👩‍💻 Until next time…

2 thoughts on “Coon Dog Day | Saluda, NC | Mural on Canvas

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