A thought provoking quote …

My phone tends to take photos on occasion – and I thought this was a good one, it captured a nice sunset – good job! I saved this photo because it’s a good reminder of how quickly life goes by. There are so many things to be stressed about (many are inconsequential) – but this is a gentle wake up call to be thankful for what you have and feel blessed that you have it. I saw a bumper sticker on a fancy SUV the other day…

We Have – No Worries!


At first I thought, how nice for you… Somehow that isn’t something that I would advertise – I’m happy for you, but… Then as I sat at the red light I thought about it more. Compared to what’s happening in other countries (and even in our own country), the devastation, the fear, the death of family members and friends – yep, we have NO worries.

Clearly some do have serious worries – those are the people that you want to rally for – be on their side, help when you can – be kind, because you never know what people are going through.

We all need to be the light we want to see in the world – it starts with us.

I know I’ve said this before, but when I see something that reminds me how blessed I am, I like to remind you as well. Your life will be so much better if you’re grateful and polite. It just is…

🧚 Until next time… #bethechange

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