Easter Cactus!

This used to be a Christmas cactus – actually, I think it was more of a Thanksgiving cactus – but this year (I put it in a new spot) it’s an Easter cactus. Just try to keep up! It’s such a vibrant color and the shadows are exquisite – with the far reaching limbs…

My other Christmas cactus has been unusual as well. It has bloomed for multiple holidays. Which has never happened before. It bloomed at Christmas, again on Valentine’s Day (not as prolific) and is finally taking a rest. This one has been in the same spot for a while now.

They couldn’t be an easier to manage. Water once a week or sometimes every two weeks. Not much to it at all.

Well, it’s Saturday y’all. Hope you have great plans (or no plans, which makes me just as happy!)

👩‍💻 Until next time…

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