Little Surprises Everywhere!

To those of you with dogs (or humans or any other animal) – sometimes a situation that seems problematic – in time turns out to be the most wonderful gift. No matter how trivial it may seem. Cherish these gifts! (And it doesn’t hurt to have the wherewithal to recognize these irritations as what they will be in the future… a gift!)

For instance, I was working on a jigsaw puzzle a few months ago and I heard an odd noise. I looked down and Charlie (🐶) had something in his mouth – I pulled out a puzzle piece just in the knick of time. I wrote his name on the back because I had a feeling that one day we would be thrilled to pull out this puzzle and be surprised with a “Charlie” piece! I was right.

After Charlie had passed over the “rainbow bridge” I was sorting pieces of the puzzle and came upon a strange looking piece, which made me flip it over and sure enough… A “Charlie piece”!

Long ago a friend told me, one day, you’ll be so thankful to pull that sweater out of the closet and see a dog hair. What once is frustrating turns into a blessing. #whoknew I guess it would be less frustrating if we identified the [enter frustrating issue here] issue with that in mind. 😉

🧩🐾 Until next time…

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