Good Book Alert: Summers at The Saint by Mary Kay Andrews!

Summer (well, almost!) is synonymous with relaxing with a good book. If you’re a Mary Kay Andrews (MKA) fan, this novel will not disappoint. I wrote a review on Goodreads, this book is all things good! Action, great characters, twisty plot (which I didn’t see coming).

Not all book covers are enticing, and I am a firm believer of how important it is that they are. Spend money on the cover (publisher), it can make or break (unfortunately) whether someone picks up a book. THIS BOOK COVER is spot on. Love the detail of the towel with the monogrammed Saint towel!

Mary Kay Andrews is such a wonderful author. Her books always have a touch of humor (at least a touch). The first book of hers that I read was Summer Rental – I’ve read her last twenty books… What a treat! ☀️🏝️🏨

You’re either a Saint or an Aint (you’ll have to read the book to know what that means). It’s quite fun when you have an Aint that’s become a Saint and oooh, the backstories are good! Oh, what a tangled web we weave type thing… I don’t normally buy a hardback book when it first comes out, truthfully, I prefer a good size paperback, but I couldn’t wait. It was worth every penny. Now I’ll pass it along to a few neighbors and then on to live with my family in Michigan.

Sharing is a good thing. If you have a book, share it with a friend – keep everyone reading – it’s the best escape/meditation/break you can ever imagine.

It’s Saturday! Enjoy your weekend! Go grab a good book and an iced tea – enjoy! Have you read a good book lately? Let me know! Comment on this post, on social media or via the Contact Me link at top of page. Would love to hear more!

📖 Until next time…

2 thoughts on “Good Book Alert: Summers at The Saint by Mary Kay Andrews!

    1. I don’t have set book cover artists in mind (although I’m sure I could find some amazing ones) – it’s more the importance of a good cover. I think budgets can be small for some books so they put a sub par cover and it only hurts the sales (and the author). I think the artist, the publisher and anyone involved in the selection should first read (and LOVE) the book! My two cents, ha ha…


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