Featured Artist: James Richards!

UNE PROMENADE EN SOIRÉE by James Richards 12″x16″ Oil//Panel

James Richards. One of the best artists I know. Not “just” an award winning artist but a person who cares, who makes it his mission to share his passion for painting with others. I met James many years ago during an art walk. He was set up to do a demo and it was awe-inspiring. He explained what he was doing and why, he worked quickly, efficiently – and everyone was blown away with the result. I swear, he has this “understanding” with paint – he steps up to the easel and is like a paint whisperer. Quickly, calmly laying down brush strokes until a masterpiece has been created. And… he knows when to stop. Every time.

Those of you who know James, or are at least familiar with him think the world of him. After I watched James’s demo I later worked at that same gallery part-time. Everyone loved his work. Many of his past workshop students would come in with stories about James. How much they learned, what a nice guy he was, what a great time they had, how they can’t wait to take another workshop from him. #highpraise What wasn’t to love? His work is different, expressive, has feeling to it. You can feel the heat of the day or the wind in your face in his Land and Sea collection. You can feel the love between a mother and child in his Figurative collection and you can feel the carefree vibes of people sitting at an outdoor cafe perhaps visiting another country while viewing paintings from his Cityscape collection. James knows how to manipulate the paint onto the canvas to create the most desired outcome. A painting with feeling, a story, a vibe and one that makes your heart sing. Who doesn’t want that?

I love the looseness of UNE PROMENADE EN SOIRÉE in Oil (his usual medium, pictured above) – it always amazes me that it only takes a few (well placed) brush strokes to create a person, place or thing. I love the looseness, it allows your mind to fill in the gaps, to add a face to the person – it can be whoever you want it to be.

There is another painting I just love – A Day In Paris (link) – isn’t it magnificent? I have no idea how someone can take a scene with so many details and simplify it, add his touch and make it jaw dropping, but James does it, time after time. #wow

Go take a peek at paintings by Jim Richards – (some newly added to his website). #bequick!

Are you an artist? Would you like to learn some brilliant techniques, maybe watch James in action? You have a few opportunities this year. His workshops sell out quickly (as an AIS Master, it’s bound to happen, right?) he is in high demand. I commend James for sharing what he knows and doing so without holding back. He gives his all and that’s what makes him so sought after.

Information below from James’s website (it’s a good one! – links to website and social media at bottom!):


Studio Workshop in Tucker, GA 9/28/24 and 9/29/24. James’s September workshop is FULL. Contact us at: info@jamesrichardsfineart.com to be added to the waitlist.

Loosen Up – NEW Studio Workshop added to the 2024 schedule: December 7th and 8th. Location: Tucker, GA. Cost: $350, Click for more Info: Contact us for questions/enrollment: info@jamesrichardsfineart.com

James also offers a VIDEO SUBSCRIPTION, where you can learn at your pace in your environment. It’s a great concept and perfect for those who really want to learn but can’t make it to a workshop!

ABOUT JAMES… (from his website)

James Richards is an American Impressionist painter who specializes in oils. James was born and raised in rural Georgia and spent the days of his youth exploring the farms, fields and forests of his hometown.  Driven by a passionate connection with nature and a deep sense of obligation to relay his vision in the most truthful manner possible, he began painting at a very young age; by the time he was a young adult living in Athens, GA, he had already won numerous awards for his pieces.

James has spent years studying the nuances of paint and developing a keen sense of understanding and control over the medium.  He is now regarded as one of the top oil painters and instructors in the country. He considers teaching and sharing his knowledge to be his primary purpose and true calling as an artist.  He is a highly sought-after teacher around the world, conducting workshops across the US and Europe.  

James Richards

WEBSITE | Instagram | FB | Paintings! | Workshops | Video Subscription

IMAGE AND BIO VIA artistjamesrichards.com, USED WITH PERMISSION…

✍️ Until next time!

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