Spring (WOW!!) in Charleston, SC!

Welcome to spring in Charleston, South Carolina! Not unlike many locations across the country plants, shrubs and trees are blooming early. Although this seems a bit typical for us I suppose. Some years…

Some years the azaleas bloom all at once and WOW what a show that is. Other years they bloom in sections it seems. No rhyme or reason, but always a site to behold, especially when in an area full of older live oak trees. Simply stunning!

I’ve been reading about the Encore azaleas that bloom all season except winter, grow 4.5′ tall and 4′ wide – something to check out for sure. We have the original (planted decades ago) azaleas, they bloom in the spring and can grow quite high if you don’t prune them. After they bloom is when we prune for the year, otherwise you won’t have blooms. If you do that once by mistake you’ll never do it again. #IYKYK

Happy Saturday!

🌸 Until next time…

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