The Perfect Meal for a Hot Summer Day!

The flowers sure made everything look extra special! The hot days of summer are upon us. I don’t use the oven much, if ever, in the hot months. I rely on the grill (my husband), cold salads, quick meals that will keep us cool while taking advantage of the most amazing produce available at the time. This was a favorite, bonus is you can make it ahead (except the corn) and *poof*: Dinner. Is. Served!

We boiled 1/2 pound of shrimp for about 2 minutes (or until done) – note: time depends on size of shrimp. Then scooped out the shrimp and put them in a bowl of ice water. Let it chill, then drained and put in the refrigerator (served with cocktail sauce). I made cucumbers in Greek yogurt with red onion, olive oil and white wine vinegar – you can also make that ahead, which I did. I had 1/3 of a baguette in the freezer, so I pulled it out while getting everything else ready. Right before serving, I sliced it in half and popped it into the toaster 🙂 which heated it just enough to not have it end up like a crouton and we dipped in olive oil, S&P.

When it’s time to eat all I need to do is boil the corn (bring a small amount of water to a boil, add the corn, cover and set the timer for 6 minutes). And, guess what – dinner is served. Six minutes later, you can’t beat it AND the kitchen isn’t hot and there isn’t much to clean up. It’s a #winwin situation all the way around!


🦐 Until next time…

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