Monhegan Island, Maine… Photo…

Monhegan Island, Maine
Monhegan Island, Maine

Ahhh, I get a little homesick for Maine each year. No, it’s not my home, but it feels like it should be. It’s a wonderful place, with people who are so genuine. I absolutely love that. They are hard working and honest (honor system to buy flowers, vegetables along roadside stands… and it WORKS!). I’m happy when I’m in Maine… no worries… of course I am on vacation, ha ha… which is so much different than real life!

For such a small island there is something to be seen no matter where you are! This photo is of White Head on Monhegan. To get to it, you can walk down through town, turn at the Monhegan House, walk past the Novelty (if you can keep walking past the best pizza and ice cream on earth), up to Horn’s Hill, past Don Stone’s studio, and follow the path to this gorgeous setting!

To sit on the ledge and listen to the ocean, watch for whales and just be… in silence… it’s a treat beyond measure. Sometimes the best gifts are the most simple. Quiet. Peace. Beauty.

For the next week, I’m going to keep the posts short… I’ll be back to regular posting the following week! Hang in there with me! I appreciate you visiting, stop by and see what tomorrow brings! Ooooh, I like that, might change my “catch you back here tomorrow”…  ha ha…


O N E   Y E A R   A G O…       Randy Higbee 6″ Squared Show (2012)

T W O   Y E A R S   A G O…   Gift Idea (2011, BUT they still make these!!)

Catch you back here tomorrow! Stop by and see what tomorrow brings… (whatcha think??)

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