I love fall!

Charlie walking on the Greenway... Charleston, SC
Charlie walking on the Greenway… Charleston, SC

Fall is fabulous… my absolute favorite time of year! The days are getting cooler now… soon the time changes and we get an extra hour of sleep, woohoo! Charlie especially loves it because in addition to walking in the morning, he can get a walk in after dinner. We always feel better if we move after we eat… can’t just sit!

Hope you all have a wonderful week

F L A S H B A C K       

O N E   Y E A R   A G O…       Art websites with small images = frustration…

T W O   Y E A R S   A G O…   Wanted Halloween costume wearing patrons… Taco Boy! (2011)

Catch you back here tomorrow!

Autumn in Wiscasset, Maine!

I looked back through my photos to find an autumn photo… this one is from 2009 and is a photo driving back from Rockland towards Wiscasset, Maine. Wiscasset is the prettiest little town. It has so much to offer, galleries, restaurants, antique stores, all kinds of good stuff!

You may have heard of Red’s Eats also located in Wiscasset, supposedly they have good lobster rolls. They must have something good, there is always a line! Enjoy your first day of Autumn, I am THRILLED that summer is behind us. Winter in Charleston, SC is pretty darn nice and I’m thrilled it’ll be here in another 3 or 4 months, ha ha… Enjoy your fall!

Catch you back here tomorrow!