Featured Artist… Frank Emrick!

“Polka Dot Princess” by Frank Emrick

What a sweet face. Polka Dot Princess, perfect name for this painting! I love how the face is so detailed yet there is no background… For some reason I just love the shadow underneath her collar. Great painting Frank!

I enjoyed this artist’s website so much I just had to share it with you. He has such a refreshing sense of humor, it truly is a delight to read! And his paintings… VERY nice!

Here is a little blip from Frank’s website... I’m telling you, you’ve GOT to check it out!

This web site was created to encourage the sale of my art (I’m frame poor) which will inspire me to paint more pictures which will keep me out of my spouse’s comfort zone and thus contribute to my peaceful retirement. Hers too.You can contribute to this effort by forwarding my web address to everyone you know.
Do it!

I love his sense of humor!

If you click on the EMRICK WHO? link on Frank’s website, this is the first line… I encourage you to read the remainder


Me being an opinionated, 82 year old representational artist.

Now… THIS man is creative! Ha ha… Catch you back here tomorrow!