Unfried Fried Rice with Shrimp!

Unfried Fried Rice with Shrimp

Well, this was an unexpected treasure to find! I’ve been hooked on making meals with brown rice, sautéed kale, some sort of bean or pea and usually and egg. Next pass I will make this with an egg (scrambled) and some green onions sprinkled… it’s quick (especially if you sauté a batch of kale early in the week then use it throughout the week).

I know some of you may poo-poo kale. Don’t! I buy the lacinato kale (not the curly, thick kale). I pull it off the stems, wash it good, chop it up and sauté in olive oil for a few minutes until it starts to get limp, then squeeze a wedge of lemon, turn off the heat and put the lid on it.

I add kale to my wraps in the morning or at lunch as well as wherever I can fit it for dinner. I sometimes substitute spinach which I used to prefer, but we both (hands down!) now prefer kale.

I came across this “recipe” (I say that loosely, since there is no, well… recipe) by making a dinner of things we had, the peas, the kale, cooked some brown rice and sautéed some shrimp in olive oil with garlic. I served it as you see in the image. My husband said he wanted to add a little something but he wasn’t sure what. A drizzle of olive oil? Nahhh, that didn’t sound good. He asked if soy sauce would work. *ding ding ding ding ding* The lightbulbs went off. Get out! YES! Soy sauce would work (or the Trader Joe’s Coconut Aminos for me – no soy, but a great substitute). I added a few shakes and WHOA! Tasted like stir fry, but the only thing sautéed was the shrimp! In no way does the rice even need it. Not one iota. Yes, that’s a word. No idea where it came from 😉

So in the future, I’m going to cook my brown rice, heat my kale and butter peas (or whatever beans or peas you like), then add my sautéed shrimp/garlic, my coconut aminos (soy sauce) a scrambled egg and some green onion or even some small green peas instead of beans? This meal held me forever. I couldn’t believe it! So good you will want it again and again…

✍️ Until tomorrow…

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