Vast Skies…

Stunning October Skies!

Just look at this stunning sky – the clouds seem to go on forever! When I walk it seems like I’m always looking up, especially early in the morning or around sunset – the Golden Hour, where the light is like magic… ✨ Always look up or you’ll miss out on so much!

The sky, clouds, sun, moon, stars, atmosphere, fog, haze, intense brightness – all are magnificent. The vast sky shows us so much (not to mention the birds, planes, etc.) – it’s better (and much more calming) entertainment than watching TV, that’s for sure.

Heads up, a little over 3 weeks is Halloween! 🎃 #hardtobelieve 👻 Stock up on candy now, ha ha… because it’ll be here before you know it!

✍️ Until next time…

📸 Image: Barbara Stroud (me!)

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