It’s Green Smoothie Weather!

The weather is beginning to heat up in Charleston, SC – which makes the perfect weather for enjoying a nice smoothie. We’ve visited a few areas and have tasted their green smoothies which were surprisingly good, so… This is a change from our favorite banana smoothies that we love so much (and have drank for years). Now we’re on a new kick and loving it!

I have various ingredients to work with: frozen mango, bananas, strawberries, fresh spinach, unsweetened vanilla almond milk, carrots – well, let me say, pretty much anything goes…

On this day I grabbed a few handfuls of frozen mango, 2 handfuls of fresh spinach, 2 frozen bananas, a splash of 2% milk and the rest unsweetened vanilla almond milk (with protein). Turned the VitaMix on and let it do its thing (with earplugs in!) and oh, the joy! This was delish. No need for sweetener!

Serves 2.

I change the “recipe” up each time. Go with what you’ve got. Frozen bananas add sweetness. I added a fresh peach, washed, cut in chunks (with the skin, which only added to the flavor!) – with or without spinach (or any other green) a smoothie is a great way to get your fruits/veggies in for the day!

🍽️ Until next time…

2 thoughts on “It’s Green Smoothie Weather!

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